It can feel unreal how death of family or a close friend affects one. You do those things you’re supposed to do, but you’ll find yourself staring into space at odd points. You go to sleep on time, but, even if you don’t wake up, it’s not as restful as it should be. There will be other little things that happen, different with every person.
With me, as I walk through this city that the deceased was such a large part of, I find myself remembering what I did with them as I pass certain buildings, or enter certain neighborhoods.
I’m also putting things down and not picking them up again. I’m naturally a little absent minded. I’ve never been a throw the keys on the kitchen counter type of guy. They always go right back in the pocket, or I’d never be able to leave the house without a half hour search for them.
Almost all the critical stuff is still finding its way to the proper places on my person. Instead its peripheral stuff. I put a water bottle down at a restaurant, then leave it there. I go over to mom and Dale’s in the East Bay, and I leave my toiletries there.
It takes a little bit longer to get going on those projects that I need to get done. Once I get going, it takes a little longer before I take a break.
There is loss, but, at least this time, the life lived was long, full, and not lacking for love and support from both friends and family.